Wednesday, April 3, 2013

No Regrets

I want to say a quick word about regrets.  Here is the thing we need to admit about regret: it's just guilt under a different name.  And those of us who are in Christ are guiltless before God.  Feeling guilty should be as alien to us as feeling hopeless.  There is no reason to feel guilty if you aren't guilty, unless you just plain don't appreciate your guiltlessness, your freedom.  Guilt equals bondage, plain and simple.  It was for freedom that we were set free.

Since guilt has a stigma amongst many believers - because of its associations with shame and worry; because of the burden that it places on us; the way it is used by others to manipulate our lives - we prefer other words, surrogates for guilt.  Regret is a big one, a special kind of guilt because it was done long ago and we really and truly can't do anything about it.  Regret is the worst kind of guilt because what you regret you can't redeem.  But the Lord can.

This is my word against regret of any kind: it is to deny that God can redeem you.  Stop regretting what you've done and start letting Him redeem the time, redeem the relationships, redeem your heart.  Let Him go back in time and take care of it, because He stands outside of time.  God does not have temporal limitations.  He can quite literally reach into our past and redeem it.  So let him.

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