Tuesday, January 8, 2013

A Measure of Good

Finally, brethren, whatever things are true,
whatever things are noble,
whatever things are just,
whatever things are pure,
whatever things are lovely,
whatever things are of good report,
if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—
   meditate on these things.

There is this measure we have of what is worth hearing, seeing, thinking, considering, meditating on, studying, researching, discussing, dissecting, understanding, enjoying.  I think about this all the time.  When I hear a wonderful song; or when I see a drawing or painting that is stikingly good; when I spy one of my children playing when they aren't aware I'm watching; when I eat something of fantastic flavor, or have an amazing cup of coffee; when a group of us fall upon something funny and can't stop laughing; when a scene in a movie gives me chills, or makes me cry; when I see in my wife's face some lovely memory; when the leaves turn in autumn and I almost can't bear the brilliance of it; when it rains in the summer and smells like a new world; when I spot a deer in the dark on my way to town; when the sound of a cello moves me to complete silence and stillness; when I walk on thick, soft grass; when I hear the thumping of my son's feet upon the wooden floor; when the bread is baked and brown and high and round; when the pantry and the refrigerator are full; when I am struck at the size of the world and the variety therein; when I read someone else's ideas, and am awestruck; when I read a book which I can't put down; when I can't stop saying, "It's just so beautiful"; when my breath is quick and my muscles tight from running; when the sun rises, as it did yesterday, as it may tomorrow, and I know the Lord is just as good as He has always been and always will be.

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