Wednesday, September 19, 2012

The Awkward Moment

We need to awkward moment before the Lord begins to move.  I don't know why, but this much is true in my experience.  I think it might be because we work so hard to avoid the awkward moment.  The awkward moment represents a breakdown of our control and composure; and there is no better time or more likely instance for the Lord to show up than when we have lost our control and composure.

Holy order is not like the order of the flesh.  When we work to impose order in our flesh, we create a kind of chaos in the spiritual reality.  Spiritual order doesn't look like fleshly order.  Our order is about control: schedules, plans, scripts.  But spriitual order is about God and what He is doing.  What He wants to do.  He does not speak by our script because He has His own script.  Sometimes He's speaking over there and we're not listening because we didn't know He could use those words, we thought He only used these words.  We thought we had figured out just what words He uses.  He who has ears let him hear!

Let the awkward moment come and have the courage to press through it.  When we stop talking the Lord speaks up, or so it seems to me.  Or maybe we just start listening a little more intently.  It's hard to hear with your own voice in your ears.

Where two or more are joined together in His name, He is there.  That's all it takes: two folks.  Here's the kicker: gathered together in His name.

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